International Microscopy - Free public event

Dove e quando

2017-11-27 | Sala delle Grida - Piazza De Ferrari, Genova

Open access session 14.00 Paolo Bianchini & Alberto Diaspro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Welcome and Opening remarks 14.15 Peter Saggau, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA Scalable Approaches for Encoded Optical Imaging 14.45 Emiliano Ronzitti, Paris Descartes University, France Shaping the light for targeted interrogation of neural circuits 15.15 Thomas Huser, University of Bielefeld, Germany High resolution and high speed imaging of living cells by multimodal optical nanoscopy 15.45 Kseniya Korobchevskaya, Kennedy Inst. of Rheumatology, UK Structured Illumination microscopy for live super-resolution imaging 16.15 coffee break 16.45 Matteo Bardelli, Physik Instrumente, Italy TBD 17.00 Silvia Galiani, University of Oxford, UK Exploring peroxisomes import process: an advance cellular microscopy study 17.30 Zeno Lavagnino, Washington University, US diSPIM allows multidimensional characterisation of second messengers activity in intact islets of Langerhans 18.00 Matthieu Dubreuil, University of Brest, France Polarimetric methods for linear and nonlinear microscopy 18.30 Alberto Diaspro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy The Extraordinary Microscope Per ulteriori dettagli consultare il sito:


Alberto Diaspro

Ultimo aggiornamento 27 Novembre 2017