Quantifying theoretical uncertainties: the case of the inclusive Higgs cross section

Dove e quando

2017-10-11 | Dipartimento di Fisica - Aula 500 - Ore 14:30

Seminario INFN di fenomenologia delle particelle elementari In the precision era of the LHC, it is of utmost importance having a good control on the theoretical uncertainties. With particular attention to the inclusive Higgs cross section in gluon fusion, where scale variation notoriously underestimates the uncertainty from missing higher orders, I will discuss alternative options. The ambitious goal is to provide a reliable recipe with a meaningful statistical interpretation. This will be useful for consistent experimental analyses, and also for fitting reliable parton distributions.


Dr Marco Bonvini - Università Sapienza & INFN Roma

Ultimo aggiornamento 29 Settembre 2017