Settimana Internazionale della Biofisica - UNIGE e Istituto Majorana-Giorgi

Dove e quando

IL 23/03/2023 presso l' Istituto Superiore Statale majorana-Giorgi
Genoa, Italy

The event is aimed at secondary school students. The idea is to present Biophysics as a whole by proposing applications and results obtained in recent decades that can stimulate the curiosity of children who will soon find themselves having to choose which path to take in their future university career. This year we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Italian Society of Biophysics (SIBPA) birth. The city of Genoa has played a fundamental role in this discipline's development, thanks to Prof. Antonio Borsellino's work, recognized as one of the first Italian biophysicists, and to the following scientists acting in the laboratories belonging to the University of Genoa, the national research council (CNR) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

The meeting will begin with a lecture by Prof. Alberto Diaspro, BPS member, and Emily M.Gray Award for mentoring in Biophysics in 2014. The lecture title is "Unlimited Biophysics, from Makapan Stone to the Metaverse Era". Prof. Claudio Canale will hold a second lecture titled "Molecular Scale Biophysics. Science Between Atoms and Cells". We propose this activity under the frame of the MOSBRI (Molecular Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure) project.


Ultimo aggiornamento 22 Marzo 2023