Mobility procedures - EN

Erasmus + and international mobility procedures

(in accordance with the indications provided by the European Commission, the Erasmus + National Agency and the central mobility offices of the University of Genoa, approved by the School Council)


At the time of submitting the application for participation in the Erasmus + call, students must have already viewed the academic offer at foreign locations where they intend to go.

In addition, Erasmus + Scholarship winners must:

  1. notify the Student Desk of the period in which they intend to go abroad, information that the Office must send to the host offices during the ‘Nomination’ phase;
  2. communicate, within the set deadline and following the appropriate procedure, their acceptance, or, renunciation of the scholarship both to the Central Mobility Office of Piazza Nunziata civ. 6 and to the Student Desk;
  3. following their official 'Nomination' by the Student Desk at the host locations, follow the the instructions of the Student Desk for the forwarding of theApplication, that can be signed by Erasmus referent or by the Coordinator;
  4. fill together with your Erasmus contact person and with the Degree Program Coordinator the Learning Agreement, 'for Studies' or 'for Traineeship, and complete it in all its parts and sign it, then have it signed by the Referent of the Bilateral Agreement, or by the Department Referent, delegated by the Coordinator of CCS, or by the latter, and by the foreign Coordinator, finally, to send it to the School Student Desk.

In particular, it is necessary to fill in properly:

  1. Tables A and B of the Learning Agreementfor Studies’, which indicate, in table A, the study activities that will be carried out abroad and, in table B, their correspondence with the student Study Plan. In this regard, it is NOT possible to authorize exams to be taken 'partially' abroad to be 'integrated' when returning to Italy, in fact, a direct correspondence of foreign credits with our ECTS is NOT required, as the teacher can authorize the recognition of training activities to be sustained abroad with a number of credits different from those foreseen in the student's study plan, based mainly on the exam program that the student intends to take abroad and on the number of lesson hours provided therein. In this regard, the student himself will present the foreign exam program to his teacher. Alternatively, the code 88790, 'off-site exams', was created for the recognition of the credits acquired in Erasmus indicating only the Typology, the SSD and the number of ECTS, in those cases where the training activities that will be followed at the abroad do not have a precise correspondence with the educational activities of the student's study plan or with our educational offer;
  2. in the Learning Agreement 'for Traineeship’it is important to fill in the window ‘The traineeship is embedded in the curriculum’ if the student has not yet graduated, also indicating the number of CFUs that will be recognized as' Internship or Final Exam ', while it is necessary to fill in the window ‘The traineeship is voluntary’ if the student is a PhD student or Graduate, and, finally, the window 'recent graduate' if the student is a recent graduate.
  3. present a study plan compliant with the approved Learning Agreement using the 'Individual Plan' platform, also entering the codes and the CFU of the activities shown in table B of the Learning Agreement.

Furthermore, it should be noted that:

  1. The Learning Agreement and any possible related changes must be approved by the CCS in charge, preferably before the signature of the foreign Coordinator. Internship activity within Erasmus+ ‘for Studies’ Program can’t be the main activity, which consists of studying.
  2. The Learning Agreement, dated and completed with all the needed signatures, must be presented in original or, at the discretion of the CCS, must be sent via e-mail directly from the host office to the Student Desk and in copy to the Coordinator.
  3. The same procedure must be followed in case of modifications to the original Learning Agreement, using the section 'During the Mobility'. The same changes must appear on the study plan. In this case, it is necessary to fill in both table A2 and table B2, specifying both the added activities and the cancelled ones, where the latters will have a negative value in the CFU count. In this regard, it should be noted that if only the educational activities to be followed at the foreign university are modified but not the corresponding activities recognized at our athenaeum, it is not necessary to fill in table B2 but just add the note "No changes, refer to table B".
  4. Within 5 days of the enrollment at the host University or of the arrival at the place of internship, the Erasmus students must send the Certificate of Arrival’ to the Mobility in Piazza Nunziata
  5. At the end of the period of Erasmus ‘for Studies’ stay, the students must deliver the original copy of the ‘Certificate of Attendance’ to the Mobility in Piazza Nunziata 6; alternatively, they must have it sent directly from the host University to the same place. The ‘Transcript of Records’ must be delivered in original copy, or sent directly from the host place, to the Student Desk. A copy of it must be delivered to your CCS Coordinator, for the concerning resolution of recognition of the training activity completed abroad, for the concerning CFU and for the conversion of grades. If necessary, the CCS has the faculty of recognizing also exams reported in the ‘Transcript of Records’, but not included in the ‘Learning Agreement’, or any language certificate as ‘Other activities’. All the passed exam marks reported in the ‘Transcript of Records’, corresponding to teachings reported in the ‘Learning Agreement’, must be recognized to the student which has only the right to decline the mark before it’s been transcripted in the ‘Transcript of Records’(if the host University allows it). In case of mobility that exclusively includes preparation for the thesis activities or internship within the ‘Erasmus for Studies’ program, a final certificate that certifies the activity carried out in required; this last step it’s not necessary if those activities will be documented in the ‘Transcript of Records’.
  6. At the end of the Erasmus ‘for Traineeship’ stay period, students must consign the ‘Certificate of Attendance’ and the ‘After the Mobility’ page, duly completed, dated and signed by the foreign Tutor, in the same manner mentioned above.
  7. The final approval of credits and internships acquired abroad is up to the CCS, to which the documents will be sent by the Student Desk. The final resolution of the CCS relating to points 5 and 6 must be sent by the CCS Coordinator, or his delegate, to the Student Desk, which will send all the necessary documents (the Learning Agreement, any possible changes, the Final Certificates or the Transcript of Records and related resolution) to the Student Secretariats. The Secretariats will provide to register the exams taken abroad and the relative marks in the Student’s Career; the Student Desk will deal with the reporting.
  8. For recent graduates, the activity carried out abroad will be reported as an ‘Addendum’ to the Diploma Supplement.
  9. In the case of a request for an extension of the Erasmus period initially agreed, the relevant Extension form must be completed and signed and it must be sent by the foreign Coordinator at least one month before the scheduled deadline.
  10. All documents and instructions about deadlines are also contained in the Erasmus Student KIT available on the Mobility website and at the mobility office in Piazza Nunziata, 6.
  11. Erasmus Student can return, only in exceptional cases, to take the exams at our University, subject to the authorization of the Coordinator of the competent CCS to which the student must first send a justified request, specifying the date of the exam he intends to take.
  12. The Erasmus students must pass at least one exam or earn ‘Other Activity’ credits included in the Learning Agreement, to validate the mobility and the Erasmus scholarship. Undergraduates are excluded from this; they must present the certificate of preparation for the thesis carried out.
  13. All mobility students must always report by the Lecturers to the Student Desk, above all to the ‘Accordi Extra – LLP’, of the Academic Cooperation and CINDA and they must always ask for the compilation and approval of the Learning Agreement and the presentations of the final Transcript of records, both must be sent to the Student Desk with the same formality of the Erasmus, together with final resolution of the recognition of the activity carried out abroad by competent CCS.

Finally, please note that the foreign universities that sign the Erasmus + Bilateral Mobility Agreement cannot request tuition fees from Erasmus students, nor prevent their enrollment, even in the case of Erasmus mobility for Traineeship: any problems of this type must be reported to the Student Desk.

Ultimo aggiornamento 18 Novembre 2020